Zlomené srdce
Já měla jsem tě ráda a ty jsi mi jen lhal,
já začala Tě milovat, ty jsi mě nechal,
můj svět se náhle zhroutil, a Ty jsi mi hochu
srdce překroutil…
Můj žal je stále větší, jen Tvá ústa stále mlčí,
prosím, dvě slova mě stačí, život bez tebe, moc mě mučí….
kdy jsme spolu šli do společného cíle,
náš cíl láska byla, i přes to se rozplynula…
Nebo mám snad ve smutku žít…?
Můj sen jsi TY, a tvé krásné city…
Můžu se dívat kamkoli,
stejně vidím, jen tvé sladké úsměvy….
Nemůžu se dívat, že jinou objímáš,
ta krutá představa, že ji i líbáš.
Umírám touhou políbit tě,
A do očí Ti říct "Miluji tě!!"
jsem jeden člověk, co pro svět znamenám?
Kdysi jsem pro Tebe znamenala svět,
tak Tě teď prosím, vrať se mi zpět!!!

Krůček od Smrti
Šťastná jsem byla , když má láska žila..
Však je to jen minulost, stala se pitomost..
Nikdo neví co se stalo, srdce se mi porouchalo..
Náhle je tu tolik lidí, a mé oči nic nevidí..
Srdce z plných sil mi buší, ti lidé asi něco tuší..
Prý nemá smyl trápit se dál, připravují nějaký sál..
Někdo řekl:
„To děvče si život vzalo, jedu si moc do čaje dalo..“
Však stal se zázrak, já oči otvírám,
a bránu smrti radši hned zavírám..
Všichni mají velkou radost, a v mém srdci roste starost..
Že už nikdy nebude to stejný, to je na pohled zřejmý..
Teď budu jiné sny snít, smutek v srdci mít
a život bez tebe žít…

Jen pro tebe!!
Proč láska je tak krásná, krutá, zlá
Proč nemůžu být lásko jenom tvá??
Proč nemůžu s tebou být
Proč krásný život nesmím žít…
Proč vždy se s tebou rozejdu
Proč obloukem tě obejdu..
Proč tě tak moc trápím
Proč na tebe žárlím..
Proč uprostřed pokoje dusím se žalem
Proč láska se nechá roztrhat kazem??
Odpověď je jednoduchá
V sobě já mám zlého ducha..
Ten dovolil věci co se neměli stát
A já se pak musím hádavě ptát..
Jestli ti polibek mám právo dát?
Tvoji fotku držím v dlani
Oceán slziček kepe mi na ni..
Tak ráda bych vrátila nazpátky čas..
Pod širým nebem líbala tě zas…
Nevím jak omluvit se mám
Tak aspoň příslib ti dám..
Bavit se o tobě budu jen v dobrém..
Vím že jsem to stejný jen v světle modrém…

Už je toho strašně moc,
A na mě lehá temná noc..
Fantazie opravdu málo mám,
Nějaký ten verš snad ještě dám..
Všechno se ztrácí v tom krutém čase,
Na mne jdou mdloby, sakra už zase..
Oči se mi zavírají,
A dveře snů otvírají..
Vcházím do dveří nádherně zdobených,
Zdá se mi sen o všech těch stvoření..
Bílý kůň u studánky stál,
A vítr při tom jemňounce vál..
O kousek dál u moře snů,
Tkají víli z bílého lnu..
Všude tu překrásní andělé létají,
Mezi tím mi do dlaní hvězdy padají..
Je to krásná, svěží zem,
Však já ráno zjistím že byl to jen sen..
Tak ráda bych ještě o té zemi snila,
Však nemůžu , já nejsem žádná víla…
A tak jako vždy byly to jen sny…

Sedmý Nebe
Co když člověk miluje více??
při pohledu na něj se červenají líce
nevím jak mu to najevo dám
proto to nejdřív povídám vám..
jak bude reagovat co na to řekne?
řekne "NE" nebo nebo hned klekne..
Už to ví a bojí se
a přesto líbá mě za svitu měsíce
sedmý nebe je pro mě nízko
cítím ho už je blízko..
přišel objal mě a políbil
ale lásku mi do očí neslíbil...
Proč nemá mě rád ptám se každý večer
mýslím, že zrovna on by kvůli mě nebrečel..
a já kvůli němu nemůžu spát
mám tolik otázek chci se ho ptát...
Otázka na téma zůstaneš semnou
stala se černou temnotou věčnou..
nevím zda někdy se odpovědi dočkám
radši ještě nějaký čas počkám..
Sakra už nevím co dělat mám
proč má být člověk na svetě sám..
já bez lásky neumím žít
to radši čaj se solí pít...
Na tebe já čekat budu vždy
a mezi tím budu mýt sladký sny
sny o tom, že jsme jen a jen spolu
žádný vztoupání ani padání dolů..
Prostě jen mi dva na našem místě
snad budem spolu kdy?? někdy příště!!

Už tak dlouho se snažím zapomenout,
a život bez tebe si nějak připomenout,
splněno však není ani jedno přání,
můj život připomíná, smuteční klání…
Smutek jeden za druhým v mém srdci se střídá,
a tebe si už asi jiná dívka hlídá,
už musím se snažit zapomenout na tebe,
a najít si jiného jen a jen pro sebe..
Bude to těžký najít kluka co srdce mi dá,
když já chci být jediná princezna tvá...:-*

Radost, Utrpení
Co je to vlastně Láska??
Když se někdy raduji z lásky,
Znám odpověď na všechny otázky..
Jen mého miláčka mám ve své mysli,
Když není u mě schází mi kyslík..
To jsou časy co má rád každý,
A chtěl by je zažít alespoň navždy..
Láska je prostě životní téma,
To vidím já očima svýma..
Když poznáš lásku musíš o ni dbát,
Nebo poznáš nekonečný pád..
Pád do hluboké nekonečné propasti,
Tu ránu nezalepíš jen malou náplastí..
Srdce se jen tak určitě nezahojí,
A nová láska se ihned neobjeví..
Láska je prostě strašně velký risk,
Buď budeš mít lásku tím pádem víc,
A nebo spadneš a nebudeš mít nic..
Je to těžký popisovat lásku,
Když kvůli ní mám na srdci vrásku..
Ale čas se teďka vrátit nedá,
A na mě smutek už zase sedá..
No jo tento cit je prostě krutý,
Štěstí v lásce má každý druhý..

…Pět minut štěstí…
to jediný co chci..no a ještě TEBE
Je fakt že náš vztah nerozebírám…
Ale každej den, vždy na tebe myslívám..
V mém srdci teď zůstala jen hnusná samota
Celej můj život zahalila temnota…
Teď chodívám v noci s žiletkou v ruce..
Stačí jen říznutí..přes žílu prudce..
Já však nemůžu tě opustit..
Tvůj smutek v srdci dopustit…
Já vím že už jsem to udělala
Všechno mezi náma podělala..
Nwm jak z toho všeho mám se vykroutit…
Už zbývá asi jen, krkem si zakroutit…
Mě se prostě zhroutil celej můj svět..
Chci zažít štěstí..aspoň těch zasranejch minut pět..
Myslím že konečně…mám v hlavě jasno..
Už nechci mít v srdci jen krutý prázdno..
Co kdyby jsi mi to srdce zaplnil..
A dávku lásky do žil mi doplnil..
Chci abys věděl že mám tě strašně ráda..
A neberu tě jen jako dobrýho kamaráda..
Moc se ti omlouvám za všechny chyby..
Můj život byl jedno veliký „Kdyby“..
Tak šanci mi dej prosím…
Já tě prostě hlavě neustále nosím

( skoro konec a přitom úplně nový začátek nekonečné lásky )
Křik vychází z hluboké tůně
Člověk topí se, hlasitě stůně
Ten člověk je to slečna,
Co za všechno v životě byla moc vděčná…
ON: „Proč si chtěla zemřít?“ Byla jeho otázka..
ONA: Její odpověď zněla: „v srdci vryta, hluboká vráska..“
ON: „Co Ti udělal, co se Ti stalo?!“
ONA: „Lásky, lásky mi dal málo!“
ON: „Ten ubožák hnusný, jak mohl Tě zradit?!“
ONA: „Chtěl s jinou po večerech, na louce randit..“
ON: „Vždyť to je tak ubohý vzdát se krásný dívky!!“
ONA: „No jo, chtěl jiný nosit do oken kvítky..“
ONA: „Chtěl se mě zbavit a to navždy
Proto se chtěl dopustit mí krutý vraždy,
V té tůni chtěl se mě na dobro zbavit
A pak s tou druhou na večírcích se bavit…“
ON: „K němu už nemám fakt žádný slova..“
Nadávky padaly znova a znova
Už tolik nadávek za sebou padlo
Do děvče mu radši polibek dalo..:*
S jejími slovy: ty jsi ten pravý
Ulehly oba do měkký trávy..
Byli tak šťastní jeden víc než druhý
A k dívce už nebyl nikdo nikdy krutý..
Milují se a jsou spolu dosud
Prostě našli lásku a milý osud…

Tvůj "mily" Osud
Je tu ten den, na který se děti těší
A ty starší ten den straší,
Den co ti přičte jeden dlouhý rok
Den přes který neuděláš, žádný velký skok..
No jo už to tak bude
Třicítka je kolem tebe, snad úplně všude,
To víš věk už zpátky nevrátíš
A osud Tvůj? Ten nezvrátíš..
Šířky už budeš jen a jen nabývat
A vlasy ti budou stále jen ubývat,
Odporný, hnusný, vrásčitý obličej
Zrcadlo bude Tvůj veliký nepřítel..
Ale sčítaní hodin se ještě nekoná
Teprv se otvírá životní opona,
Pak se na scéně objeví vnoučata
A ty budeš stále víc a víc chlupatá..
No jo máš moc hezký osud
Byl k Tobě milý, ale jen dosud,
Tak se s tím smiř a užívej si života
Dokud se nekoná tvá velká odveta..
Tak ti přeji všechno good
Ať má tvůj muž tvrdý úd,
Užijte si hodně lásky
Než budeš mít strašný vrásky..

jen tobě Mami
Existuje žena, co se nedá nahradit
A k jiným lidem nemůžu ji přiřadit..
Je to žena, díky které jsem tady..
Žena co nemá snad vůbec žádné vady..
Pro hodně lidí je to jen žena z tisíce
Mě však když jsem byla malá, líbala na líce..
Žena kterou jsem měla ráda, mám a vždycky mít budu
Ta se kterou zaženu, i největší nudu..
Byla v mém srdci, je a bude navždy
Ta pro kterou bych se dopustila, klidně i vraždy..
Vím že si nezaslouží tak jak se k ní chovám
A občas nějakou tu lež, z plna hrdla volám..
Ano jistě jsi to Ty, Ty Mami!!
Bez které by jsme se cítili všichni tak sami..
Tak tě prosím nezlob se na mě,
A přijmi ty omluvy s mojí malé dlaně..
Jsi prostě Ta co žije tu s námi…
Nechcem žádnou jinou, jen tebe MAMI!!
Přehled komentářů
The Unstoppable Squishies Sensation: Inside the Adorable Plush Toy Fixation
SquooshyPlushPals have got become a unquestionable plaything craze due to the extraordinarily silken texture plus adorable smiley-faced cushy figures. These circular, pillowy stuffed animals have captivated above little ones and adult assemblers likewise as the most blazing new smooshy plaything tendency.
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Grasping Modo Loans with the Loan Inspection System
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 22:26)
Modo money provide a other investment selection to traditional financial institution money and credit plastic. Yet what way does the modo credit analysis with endorsement progression truly function? The guide allow an in depth look.
Which be one Modo Credit?
One modo loan be one kind of installment credit allowed by Modo, a online credit platform and FDIC-insured financial institution partner. Major attributes contain:
Credit sums from $1,000 to $50,000
Stipulations from 1 and 5 years
Fixed interest rates from 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% online application and investment process
Modo offer financings for a selection from needs like obligation combination, home enhancement, vehicle spending, medical charges, family duties, with additional. The expertise plans for supply fitting access to funding all the way through an effortless online process.
As an other mortgagee, endorsement with Modo hang further about inclusive financial welfare rather than equitable loan counts. This aids work supplicants among short or skimpy credit annals that may not qualify through traditional routes.
Which way a Modo Credit Evaluation Progression Jobs
Modo put to use credit calculations and AI technology to offer personalized credit resolutions in minutes with zero recordsdata either fees. Yet how does their inspection with endorsement process truly occupation?
Least Criteria
First, ye must fill little stand eligibility benchmark for Modo to level commence one loan assessment:
At simplest 18 twelvemonths former
US citizenship / lasting tenant
Usual wage > $20k every year
Lively checking tab
Modo uncovers this lowest standards initially prior to you polish off loan functions. Provided that ye meet the essentials, ye be able to keep on far.
Applying to a Modo Individual Credit
Polish off a internet credit application that amasses elementary personal and utilization subtleties along with income, expenses and responsibilities. Not any credentials either proclamations necessary.
Connect your personal bank accounts with the goal that Modo can get right of entry to your verifying, savings, and outside credit account negotiations to validate financial health. High encryption cling completly get.
Confirm your individuality as any lender. Modo uses no complicated credit tugs within this spot.
That's information technology! A request process takes equitable minutes with the aid of work area either mobile. At the moment Modo's calculations boot in for determine your personal loan arrangements.
Modo's Credit Resolution Algorithm
At the time Modo amasses completely imperative information from your request and financial institution invoice data, the patented resolution motors pass to occupation.
Modo's algorithm explores infinite information points from your income flows, expending models, cash streams, responsibilities with full money management behaviors using developed AI engineering.
The understanding along with lowest requirements leeway allows Modo to generate an precise custom loaning decision arranged for your personal particular monetary attitude * routinely in seconds or instant.
Thus instead of equitable evaluating credit outlines and ratings as banks, Modo conveys modern information-driven approach to analyse your genuine capacity for run with pay reverse one credit.
Grasping Modo Credits with this Loan Inspection Process
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 15:34)
Modo credits grant a optional money option to customary financial institution financings and credit plastic. But how make a modo credit analysis with authorization system indeed occupation? The lead supply an in deepness look.
Which is a Modo Credit?
One modo credit be one type from regular payment credit given by Modo, a web loaning system and FDIC-insured financial institution co-worker. Key qualities encompass:
Credit quantities from $1,000 and $50,000
Conditions between 1 to 5 years
Firm concern rates between 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% online application and investment process
Modo supply loans for a selection of wishes like obligation combination, home betterment, car costs, health invoices, family responsibilities, and extra. Their technology purposes to grant suitable admittance to investment through a straightforward online process.
As a other creditor, authorization among Modo hinge more about full financial health instead of just credit counts. This assists operate supplicants among little or sparse credit annals who may no more have the qualifications for via classic mediums.
The way the Modo Credit Assessment Procedure Functions
Modo put to use loaning calculations and AI expertise to furnish individualized loan conclusions with instant with not any recordsdata or fees. But the way make the review and sanction progression really occupation?
Least Standards
Originally, you need to satisfy few stand qualification criteria for Modo to level pioneer one credit inspection:
At least 18 years old
US nationality / permanent dweller
Common wage > $20k per year
Vigorous checking invoice
Modo discloses these lowest requirements upfront before ye complete loan solicitations. Provided that you fill the principles, ye can progress further.
Requesting for one Modo Personal Loan
Perfect the online credit application that gathers fundamental secluded with employment specifics along with wage, fees with obligations. No credentials or demonstrations obligatory.
Link your financial institution explanations with the goal that Modo be able to get right of entry to your checking, savings, with outward credit explanation negotiations for corroborate economic wellbeing. High encryption hold entirely secure.
Validate your personal uniqueness similar to any mortgagee. Modo employ not any tough credit jerks at the point.
Which's IT! A application process brings unbiased minutes by the use of work area or mobile. Now Modo's algorithms boot with for determine your credit arrangements.
Modo's Credit Resolution Algorithm
At the time Modo gathers all imperative knowledge from your request and financial institution tab data, the possessive choice motors go for work.
Modo's calculation inspects unlimited data dots between your personal income streams, expending models, money rivers, liabilities with inclusive cash management behaviors through the use of complex AI engineering.
The comprehension close by minimum specifications space enables Modo for make an correct custom lending choice aligned for your personal particular economic scenario - routinely in seconds either minutes.
So over just estimating credit descriptions and scores like financial institutions, Modo carries modern data-driven approach to determine your personal genuine proficiency for regulate and pay in turn a credit.
Grasping Modo Financings with this Credit Assessment Progression
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 12:26)
Modo money provide a substitute money possibility to customary financial institution money and loan cards. Yet the way make the modo credit evaluation with endorsement progression actually function? This guide provide an in deepness look.
Which be a Modo Loan?
A modo credit be one form of regular payment credit allowed by Modo, an online loaning platform and FDIC-insured financial institution colleague. Major characteristics incorporate:
Loan quantities from $1,000 and $50,000
Conditions between 1 and 5 years
Fixed interest rates between 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% web request and funding process
Modo provides credits to one selection of desires similar to obligation consolidation, residence enhancement, vehicle costs, medical bills, relation obligations, with extra. The engineering aims for grant suitable admittance to money all the way through an simple internet process.
Like an different loaner, sanction with Modo depends more on whole budgetary welfare over just credit counts. This assists act solicitors among short or skimpy credit records who may not have the qualifications for via standard mediums.
The way a Modo Credit Inspection Procedure Jobs
Modo exercise credit calculations and AI engineering to supply individualized loan conclusions with instant with no documents or charges. Yet how make their review and sanction system actually work?
Lowest Specifications
First, you must comply with little stand eligibility guideline for Modo for level initiate one credit analysis:
In smallest 18 years former
US nationality / lasting dweller
Normal income > $20k each year
Active verifying account
Modo divulges these smallest criteria beforehand prior to you polish off loan functions. Provided that ye satisfy the principles, you be able to go ahead additional.
Requesting to a Modo Secluded Loan
Complete the web credit application which accumulates rudimentary exclusive and vocation particulars together with income, fees and responsibilities. No identifications or proclamations imperative.
Couple your bank explanations with the goal that Modo can gain access to your verifying, savings, with outer credit calculate trades for validate economic health. High privacy cling completly get.
Verify your distinctiveness as some lender. Modo employ zero hard credit drags at this degree.
Which's information technology! The application progression conveys unbiased minutes through work area either movable. Now Modo's algorithms boot in to settle on your loan requirements.
Modo's Credit Determination Calculation
At the time Modo accumulates all required facts between your request with bank calculate data, the owned resolution machines go for work.
Modo's calculation analyzes innumerable data specks from your income streams, outlay models, money rivers, obligations with entire cash organization performances operating complex AI engineering.
This perception together with lowest requirements space lets Modo to manufacture a precise routine lending resolution aligned for your extraordinary money related circumstance - routinely with moment either instant.
Thus over just judging loan outlines and ratings like financial institutions, Modo carries modern data-driven style to evaluate your personal legit ability for handle with reward in turn one loan.
Grasping Modo Financings with this Loan Evaluation System
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 9:17)
Modo credits allow an other money choice for conventional bank credits and credit plastic. But the way make a modo loan assessment and endorsement procedure actually work? This guide provide an with deepness look.
Which is one Modo Loan?
A modo loan be one variety from installment credit provided by Modo, an web credit system with FDIC-insured financial institution co-worker. Key characteristics include:
Credit quantities between $1,000 and $50,000
Stipulations between 1 to 5 years
Firm concern percentages between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% internet application with investment process
Modo furnish financings for one range from demands similar to liability consolidation, residence enhancement, automobile spending, health invoices, kin responsibilities, with extra. Their technology seeks to offer convenient admittance to capital through an effortless online process.
As a substitute creditor, authorization with Modo hang extra on overall financial wellbeing as opposed to just credit scores. This assists serve candidates among little or scarce credit records who may not meet requirements for by way of traditional routes.
Which way the Modo Loan Review Process Duties
Modo make use of loaning calculations with AI technology to allow customized loan decisions with minutes among not any paperwork or dues. Yet how does their evaluation and approval progression truly occupation?
Lowest Standards
Initially, ye need to comply with few found qualification standard to Modo to level commence a credit review:
In simplest 18 years former
US citizenship / permanent tenant
Common income > $20k per year
Energetic checking invoice
Modo uncovers these minimum prerequisites prematurely prior to you perfect loan applications. If you fill the basics, you can go ahead more remote.
Applying for a Modo Secluded Loan
Round off the web credit application that collects fundamental private with utilization subtleties along with income, spending with obligations. No papers either manifestations compulsory.
Link your personal bank calculations with the goal that Modo can access your personal checking, financial savings, and outward credit account trades for confirm financial welfare. Tall privacy grip entirely get.
Confirm your personal individuality like some loaner. Modo exercise zero complex loan drags within this locale.
That's information technology! A application procedure bears equitable minutes with the aid of desktop either movable. Now Modo's calculations kick with to determine your personal credit arrangements.
Modo's Credit Choice Calculation
At the time Modo accumulates completely compulsory advice between your application with financial institution account data, the patented determination engines pass for job.
Modo's algorithm explores uncounted information points from your income rivers, expending styles, money rivers, obligations and overall cash management performances operating sophisticated AI engineering.
This comprehension close by smallest criteria clearance allows Modo for manufacture a accurate habit loaning decision arranged for your one-of-a-kind money related scenario * regularly with moment or minutes.
Thus over fair assessing credit stories and ratings like financial institutions, Modo brings modern information-driven style to estimate your personal right capability to direct with reward in turn a loan.
Interpreting Modo Financings and the Credit Inspection Progression
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 6:07)
Modo financings offer an different financing possibility to customary bank money and loan cards. However how does a modo loan evaluation with permission system really function? The guide provide a with deepness look.
Which is one Modo Credit?
A modo loan be a type from installment loan furnished by Modo, an internet lending system and FDIC-insured bank associate. Key qualities include:
Loan quantities between $1,000 and $50,000
Terms between 1 and 5 years
Set concern percentages from 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% internet application with capital process
Modo provides money to a selection of requirements similar to liability combination, house improvement, vehicle costs, health invoices, relation responsibilities, and extra. Their technology seeks for give handy admittance for investment past a straightforward web process.
Like an optional loaner, authorization with Modo hinge more about entire monetary welfare as opposed to just credit ratings. The helps work candidates with little or sparse credit chronicles that may no more qualify past conventional mediums.
How a Modo Loan Evaluation Process Functions
Modo employ lending calculations with AI engineering to grant modified loan resolutions in instant among no recordsdata or costs. But how make the analysis and approval procedure really duty?
Minimum Standards
First, you ought to satisfy few pedestal eligibility standard to Modo to even lead a credit analysis:
At simplest 18 twelvemonths outdated
US citizenship / lasting dweller
Regular income > $20k per year
Active verifying invoice
Modo uncovers this lowest criteria ahead of time prior to ye complete credit requests. Provided that ye meet a basics, you be able to proceed further.
Applying to a Modo Private Loan
Round off the web credit application that amasses primary secluded with operation particulars along with wage, costs with obligations. Not any verification or declarations compulsory.
Pair your personal bank accounts with the goal that Modo be able to get right of entry to your checking, savings, and outside loan invoice negotiations for approve monetary health. High privacy grip entirely get.
Affirm your originality like some creditor. Modo employ not any complicated credit tugs within the degree.
That's information technology! The application process takes impartial instant through workdesk either transportable. Straight away Modo's algorithms boot in to designate your credit terms.
Modo's Loan Choice Calculation
As soon as Modo accumulates completely compulsory understanding between your personal application and bank tab data, their proprietary decision motors pass for job.
Modo's calculation inspects countless information dots between your income flows, spending models, cash rivers, obligations with full money organization manners through the use of sophisticated AI technology.
This discernment together with lowest requirements room authorizes Modo for generate a actual tradition credit conclusion aligned to your personal unique financial condition * frequently in seconds either instant.
Thus over fair gauging credit outlines with counts similar to financial institutions, Modo bears current data-driven method to determine your personal genuine capacity to run with pay again a credit.
Interpreting Modo Loans with the Loan Inspection Progression
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 3:01)
Modo credits allow an different investment possibility for customary financial institution money plus loan plastic. Yet what way make the modo loan evaluation with authorization process indeed function? The lead grant an with depth look.
What be one Modo Credit?
A modo credit be a kind from installment loan granted by Modo, an web lending system and FDIC-insured bank partner. Major features encompass:
Credit quantities from $1,000 to $50,000
Arrangements from 1 to 5 years
Fixed concern rates from 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% web application with funding process
Modo give credits for one mixture from needs like liability consolidation, home progress, automobile fees, medical charges, kin responsibilities, with additional. The technology seeks to give suitable admittance to money by way of an simple web process.
Like an optional lender, approval with Modo hang additional on entire monetary wellbeing rather than just loan counts. The assists serve solicitors among little either sparse loan annals who may no more meet requirements for past classic channels.
Which way a Modo Loan Inspection Progression Works
Modo exercise lending calculations and AI engineering for grant individualized loan decisions in minutes with zero recordsdata either expenses. However what way does the review with approval procedure indeed function?
Lowest Requirements
Originally, ye ought to satisfy little found qualification benchmark for Modo for level initiate a loan review:
In simplest 18 twelvemonths outdated
US nationality / permanent tenant
Common wage > $20k annually
Energetic checking calculate
Modo reveals this smallest criteria ahead of time before ye perfect credit applications. If ye comply with the essentials, ye can proceed further.
Applying to one Modo Secluded Loan
Complete a internet loan application that aggregates elementary individual with vocation points together with wage, costs with responsibilities. No documents or proclamations necessary.
Couple your personal financial institution invoices with the goal that Modo can gain access to your verifying, reserve funds, and outer credit tab agreements to corroborate money related wellbeing. Tall security hold totally get.
Validate your identity like any loaner. Modo put to use no tough credit hauls within this point.
That's it! The application progression takes impartial minutes via desktop either mobile. Straight away Modo's calculations boot with for determine your credit terms.
Modo's Credit Decision Algorithm
As soon as Modo collects all required understanding from your personal request and financial institution invoice information, their owned conclusion motors pass to work.
Modo's calculation inspects unlimited information spots between your wage rivers, expending models, cash rivers, duties and entire money management conduct by means of sophisticated AI expertise.
The comprehension together with smallest requirements space authorizes Modo to generate an genuine habit lending choice aligned for your one-of-a-kind budgetary scenario - regularly in moment either instant.
Thus over unbiased estimating loan reports with scores similar to financial institutions, Modo conveys latest information-driven method for evaluate your personal actual ability for manage and pay back one credit.
Grasping Modo Credits and this Loan Inspection Procedure
(modoloanHycle, 25. 12. 2023 0:01)
Modo money offer an different financing choice for customary bank credits and credit plastic. Yet the way does the modo loan evaluation with permission system indeed work? This lead give an in deepness look.
What is a Modo Loan?
A modo credit be a variety from installment loan given from Modo, an online loaning platform with FDIC-insured financial institution colleague. Key qualities include:
Credit quantities from $1,000 and $50,000
Terms from 1 to 5 years
Fixed concern levels from 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% online request with funding process
Modo supply loans to one selection from requirements as obligation consolidation, house betterment, automobile fees, medical charges, relation liabilities, and more. The technology aims for furnish useful entry for financing via an easy online process.
As an substitute mortgagee, permission with Modo hang additional on inclusive money related wellbeing rather than impartial credit counts. This assists work applicants among little or sparse loan histories that may not meet requirements for all the way through conventional channels.
Which way the Modo Credit Evaluation System Works
Modo employ lending calculations with AI technology to provide customized loan conclusions in instant with no forms or charges. But the way does their inspection with endorsement procedure indeed occupation?
Lowest Standards
Originally, ye need to comply with few stand eligibility standard to Modo for even initiate a credit analysis:
At least 18 years retro
US nationality / lasting occupant
Usual income > $20k per year
Active checking account
Modo discloses this least criteria prematurely sooner than you perfect loan applications. Provided that ye meet a essentials, ye can go ahead additional.
Applying to a Modo Individual Credit
Round out the web loan request that collects elementary exclusive and occupation particulars together with income, fees and obligations. No credentials or demonstrations obligatory.
Join your bank tabs so Modo be able to gain access to your verifying, financial savings, with external credit explanation proceedings for corroborate financial health. Tall privacy cling totally get.
Corroborate your personal originality similar to any lender. Modo make use of no hard credit pulls at this degree.
That's it! A request system takes impartial minutes with the aid of desktop or transportable. Now Modo's algorithms kick in for designate your personal loan arrangements.
Modo's Loan Decision Calculation
At the time Modo accumulates all necessary facts between your request with bank account information, their patented resolution engines go to job.
Modo's calculation examines infinite data points between your personal wage flows, outlay styles, cash rivers, duties with blanket money organization behaviors using superior AI expertise.
This comprehension close by lowest specifications clearance sanctions Modo to brand a genuine habit lending resolution aligned to your personal particular money related circumstance - generally with seconds or minutes.
Thus as opposed to impartial assessing credit descriptions with ratings as financial institutions, Modo brings contemporary data-driven style for evaluate your personal right competence for run with reward reverse a credit.
Understanding Modo Financings and the Loan Review Procedure
(modoloanHycle, 24. 12. 2023 20:50)
Modo credits give a optional capital selection for standard bank credits and loan cards. However the way make a modo loan inspection with permission progression in fact function? The lead provide a in deepness look.
Which is one Modo Loan?
One modo credit be a kind from regular payment credit supplied by Modo, a online loaning platform with FDIC-insured bank ally. Key attributes incorporate:
Credit sums between $1,000 and $50,000
Arrangements between 1 to 5 years
Fixed concern levels between 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% online application with backing process
Modo supply money to a mixture of wishes like debt combination, house growth, car expenses, medical bills, kin obligations, with extra. Their technology purposes to furnish handy admittance for capital via an easy online process.
Like a substitute creditor, sanction with Modo hang more about whole budgetary wellbeing as opposed to just credit scores. The aids act supplicants with short or scarce loan records that may no more have the qualifications for through customary routes.
The way the Modo Loan Inspection Procedure Works
Modo make use of credit calculations and AI expertise to allow modified loan determinations with instant among zero paperwork or dues. However how does the inspection and endorsement process really occupation?
Minimum Standards
First, ye need to satisfy little base qualification guideline to Modo for level initiate a loan inspection:
At smallest 18 years former
US nationality / permanent tenant
Normal wage > $20k every year
Lively checking calculate
Modo reveals these smallest specifications prematurely prior to you round out credit functions. Provided that ye meet the essentials, ye be able to keep on far.
Applying for a Modo Private Credit
Perfect the online loan application that gathers rudimentary individual and employment details along with income, expenses with obligations. No papers either manifestations required.
Couple your financial institution accounts with the goal that Modo be able to acquire access to your checking, savings, with surface loan explanation transactions for approve money related health. Tall privacy hold all secure.
Affirm your personal originality similar to some mortgagee. Modo make use of not any hard credit hauls at the spot.
That's IT! The request process bears fair minutes via workdesk or mobile. Now Modo's algorithms kick with for determine your personal credit stipulations.
Modo's Credit Resolution Algorithm
As soon as Modo accumulates completely required understanding from your personal request with bank invoice data, the private determination machines pass to job.
Modo's algorithm explores uncounted information specks between your income rivers, spending models, cash flows, responsibilities and whole cash management behaviors operating developed AI engineering.
The understanding close by minimum prerequisites room lets Modo to manufacture an genuine habit loaning determination arranged for your personal unique budgetary attitude - regularly in moment either minutes.
So instead of impartial evaluating credit reports and scores as banks, Modo bears current data-driven approach for assess your genuine capability for regulate with pay in turn a loan.
Grasping Modo Loans and the Credit Analysis Progression
(modoloanHycle, 24. 12. 2023 17:13)
Modo loans supply an different financing choice for traditional bank financings and credit cards. Yet what way make the modo credit review with sanction procedure actually duty? This lead give an in depth look.
What is a Modo Credit?
A modo loan be a variety from installment loan allowed from Modo, an web lending platform with FDIC-insured bank partner. Major features incorporate:
Loan quantities from $1,000 to $50,000
Requirements from 1 to 5 years
Fixed concern levels between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% internet request with backing process
Modo supply loans for a variety of requirements as obligation consolidation, house progress, car spending, medical bills, relation duties, with extra. Their technology purposes for furnish fitting entry for funding past an simple web process.
Like a optional mortgagee, endorsement among Modo hinge extra about overall monetary wellbeing as opposed to fair loan results. This aids act solicitors with little either meager loan histories that may no more have the qualifications for all the way through classic mediums.
Which way the Modo Loan Inspection Process Functions
Modo uses credit algorithms and AI expertise for supply customized credit choices with instant among no forms either expenses. But what way make the inspection and endorsement procedure truly work?
Least Requirements
First, you ought to meet little found eligibility guideline for Modo for even pioneer one loan inspection:
At least 18 years aged
US nationality / lasting tenant
Regular wage > $20k per year
Lively verifying tab
Modo divulges these minimum prerequisites beforehand earlier than you round off credit solicitations. Provided that you meet a rudiments, ye can continue on more remote.
Applying for one Modo Individual Credit
Perfect the online credit request which amasses elementary personal with vocation details together with wage, costs with obligations. Zero documents or proofs required.
Couple your personal financial institution calculations with the goal that Modo be able to get right of entry to your verifying, financial savings, with outer credit account trades for corroborate monetary health. High privacy grip everything get.
Validate your personal identity like some lender. Modo make use of no complicated credit drags within this moment.
Which's information technology! A request system carries equitable minutes past desktop or movable. At the moment Modo's calculations kick in for designate your personal credit arrangements.
Modo's Credit Choice Calculation
At the time Modo amasses all imperative understanding between your application with financial institution explanation data, the owned decision machines pass for occupation.
Modo's calculation analyzes countless information spots between your personal wage flows, spending templates, cash rivers, liabilities and overall cash organization performances operating advanced AI technology.
This discernment along with least prerequisites leeway lets Modo for brand a actual custom loaning resolution aligned for your personal unique budgetary attitude - regularly in moment either minutes.
So instead of fair gauging loan descriptions with counts as banks, Modo takes present day data-driven approach to determine your personal true capability to manage with reward again a loan.
Interpreting Modo Financings with this Credit Evaluation Procedure
(modoloanHycle, 24. 12. 2023 13:57)
Modo money offer a other capital choice to traditional bank loans plus loan cards. Yet what way does a modo loan inspection and permission process really job? This lead offers an in deepness look.
Which is one Modo Credit?
One modo credit be a type of regular payment credit offered from Modo, a internet lending platform and FDIC-insured financial institution colleague. Major features incorporate:
Loan amounts from $1,000 to $50,000
Terms between 1 to 5 years
Set interest rates from 5.99% and 29.99% APR
100% internet request with investment process
Modo supply credits for one mixture of desires like debt combination, home enhancement, automobile fees, medical invoices, relation obligations, with extra. The engineering seeks for provide convenient entrance to capital by way of an simple web process.
As an alternative creditor, approval with Modo hinge further about overall money related welfare as opposed to impartial loan results. The helps operate candidates with little or sparse loan histories who can no more have the qualifications for via traditional mediums.
The way the Modo Loan Review System Duties
Modo employ lending algorithms and AI technology for offer modified loan determinations with instant among zero recordsdata or costs. However the way does their analysis and approval progression actually duty?
Least Requirements
First, ye must comply with little pedestal qualification criteria for Modo to even lead one credit analysis:
In simplest 18 twelvemonths former
US nationality / permanent dweller
Normal wage > $20k every year
Dynamic checking tab
Modo reveals these minimum prerequisites beforehand sooner than you polish off loan requests. If you meet the principles, ye be able to continue on more remote.
Requesting to a Modo Personal Loan
Polish off a internet loan request that accumulates fundamental secluded and vocation details close by income, spending and obligations. Zero papers or demonstrations necessary.
Couple your personal financial institution accounts with the goal that Modo can access your verifying, savings, with surface credit tab transactions to validate financial wellbeing. High encryption cling totally secure.
Corroborate your personal individuality similar to any mortgagee. Modo make use of no difficult loan pulls at the degree.
That's it! The application system takes equitable instant with the aid of workdesk either movable. At the moment Modo's algorithms kick with to determine your credit conditions.
Modo's Credit Conclusion Calculation
At the time Modo gathers all compulsory facts from your application with bank account data, the private resolution engines go for job.
Modo's algorithm investigates uncounted data points from your personal income rivers, expending templates, cash rivers, responsibilities and blanket cash management deportment making use of advanced AI technology.
The comprehension along with minimum requirements space lets Modo to make a actual habit loaning resolution arranged for your unique financial scenario - frequently in seconds or instant.
Thus over just gauging credit descriptions with ratings similar to financial institutions, Modo carries contemporary information-driven style to evaluate your personal true capability to handle with pay again one loan.
Comprehending Modo Financings and this Credit Inspection Progression
(modoloanHycle, 24. 12. 2023 10:49)
Modo credits supply a other money choice to customary bank credits and credit cards. However what way does the modo loan assessment with endorsement process actually duty? The guide allow an in depth look.
Which is one Modo Loan?
A modo loan be one kind of installment credit granted by Modo, an online credit platform and FDIC-insured financial institution ally. Key features contain:
Loan quantities from $1,000 to $50,000
Stipulations from 1 to 5 years
Fixed concern levels from 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% web request and capital process
Modo supply financings for one range from desires like liability combination, house growth, vehicle bills, medical charges, family obligations, and additional. Their engineering intends to allow handy admittance for investment through a simple web process.
As an other loaner, authorization among Modo hang further about blanket monetary welfare as opposed to equitable credit counts. This helps work candidates with short or sparse credit records who can not have the qualifications for via classic channels.
Which way the Modo Credit Analysis Progression Occupations
Modo exercise lending calculations and AI expertise to supply personalized loan choices with instant among zero forms either fees. However what way does the review and approval process really work?
Smallest Criteria
Initially, you ought to meet few stand eligibility criteria to Modo to level initiate a loan analysis:
At least 18 years retro
US nationality / permanent resident
Common wage > $20k per year
Vigorous verifying tab
Modo reveals these lowest requirements initially prior to ye polish off credit solicitations. If you fill a basics, you can progress additional.
Requesting for one Modo Secluded Credit
Perfect a internet loan application which aggregates rudimentary exclusive with employment details together with income, spending and responsibilities. Zero documents or proofs required.
Link your personal financial institution calculations with the goal that Modo be able to gain access to your verifying, reserve funds, with outward credit calculate trades for verify budgetary health. High encryption keeps entirely get.
Corroborate your personal originality similar to any creditor. Modo make use of zero difficult loan jerks within this locale.
Which's IT! A application procedure bears unbiased minutes via desktop or transportable. Straight away Modo's calculations kick in for determine your personal credit conditions.
Modo's Loan Conclusion Algorithm
At the time Modo gathers completely imperative information from your request and bank tab data, their patented determination engines go to job.
Modo's calculation investigates innumerable data dots from your income flows, expending templates, cash streams, obligations with inclusive money management conduct through the use of complex AI technology.
The insight together with minimum criteria room authorizes Modo for manufacture an actual custom credit resolution arranged for your personal unique budgetary condition - often in moment or minutes.
Thus instead of equitable evaluating credit stories and scores similar to financial institutions, Modo brings contemporary data-driven style for estimate your true ability for manage and pay in turn a loan.
Comprehending Modo Financings and the Credit Inspection System
(modoloanHycle, 24. 12. 2023 7:42)
Modo credits provide an optional capital choice for customary bank credits and credit plastic. But how make a modo loan analysis and sanction progression truly work? This lead allow a in deepness look.
Which is a Modo Credit?
One modo credit is one form of installment loan supplied by Modo, an online lending system with FDIC-insured bank co-worker. Key features encompass:
Credit amounts from $1,000 and $50,000
Stipulations between 1 to 5 years
Fixed interest levels between 5.99% to 29.99% APR
100% online application with backing process
Modo furnish financings for one mixture from wishes as liability consolidation, home progress, automobile expenses, health invoices, family responsibilities, and more. The engineering plans for offer appropriate entrance to funding past an easy web process.
Like an other creditor, endorsement with Modo depends further about blanket budgetary health instead of just credit ratings. This helps act supplicants with short either skimpy credit chronicles who may no more have the qualifications for all the way through standard routes.
The way the Modo Credit Inspection Progression Jobs
Modo employ loaning algorithms and AI expertise for offer modified loan decisions with minutes with not any documents or costs. Yet what way make their inspection with approval process truly occupation?
Lowest Specifications
Initially, you should fill little stand qualification criteria for Modo to even pioneer a loan assessment:
In smallest 18 years retro
US nationality / lasting dweller
Regular wage > $20k annually
Vigorous verifying tab
Modo exposes this smallest requirements initially before ye perfect loan solicitations. If ye comply with the principles, you can keep on additional.
Requesting to one Modo Secluded Loan
Round off the online loan application which gathers elementary exclusive with occupation specifics along with wage, costs and liabilities. No identifications either declarations obligatory.
Couple your personal bank invoices with the goal that Modo can acquire access to your personal checking, reserve funds, with outward loan account transactions for approve economic wellbeing. Tall privacy grip totally secure.
Validate your personal identity similar to any mortgagee. Modo uses zero tough loan jerks within this spot.
Which's it! The request progression carries impartial instant by the use of desktop or traveling. Straight away Modo's calculations boot with to designate your loan arrangements.
Modo's Loan Conclusion Calculation
As soon as Modo collects completely compulsory knowledge from your personal application and bank calculate data, the possessive choice engines pass to work.
Modo's calculation explores uncounted data points between your wage rivers, expending examples, money streams, duties and overall money organization conduct operating superior AI technology.
The insight together with smallest standards leeway lets Modo for generate a precise routine lending decision arranged to your personal unique monetary circumstance - routinely with seconds either minutes.
Thus instead of unbiased gauging loan stories and ratings as financial institutions, Modo bears modern data-driven style for analyse your true capacity for direct with reward reverse a loan.
Decrypter les Secrets de IA : Explorer son Passe, Present et Futur
(Jefferyrob, 24. 12. 2023 4:06)
La cocaine est une drogue puissante derivee des feuilles d'une plante originaire d'Amerique du Sud. Cette plante est originaire d'une region d'Amerique. Cette substance psychoactive agit en activant le systeme nerveux central, provoquant une hausse rapide de l'energie, de l'euphorie et de la vigilance. Malheureusement, son utilisation est egalement associee a des consequences serieuses, tels que un accroissement du rythme cardiaque, une elevation de la pression arterielle, des sentiments anxieux et des episodes de paranoia. L'utilisation recreative de cette substance a des implications nefastes sur la sante physique et mentale des individus.
Le trafic de cocaine est un probleme mondial majeur, avec des consequences graves dans les domaines du crime organise et de la violence. Les organisations criminelles liees a la drogue en regions sud-americaines, en particulier en Colombie, sont souvent impliques dans la fabrication et la distribution de cette drogue a l'echelle mondiale. Cette industrie illegale alimente la violence dans les regions productrices, tandis que les utilisateurs dans differentes regions alimentent une demande persistante, creant ainsi un cercle vicieux de detresse humaine et de degradation sociale.
Face a une telle situation, de nombreux pays ont mis en place des mesures pour lutter contre le trafic de cocaine, notamment la collaboration internationale, des campagnes de sensibilisation et des plans de desintoxication. Cependant, malgre toutes ces initiatives, le probleme persiste, soulignant la necessite continue de approches completes et coordonnees pour aborder cette menace pour la sante publique et le maintien de la stabilite sociale.
thank you very much
(Thomasmuh, 23. 12. 2023 10:25)
not working
not working
(Thomasmuh, 23. 12. 2023 0:31)
interesting for a very long time
"Tra le Ombre dell'Assuefazione: Un'Analisi Profonda degli Impatti della Cocaina"
(Jamesliaks, 20. 12. 2023 3:53)
La cocaina e una droga stimolante illegale e potente che deriva dalla foglia di coca, originaria delle regioni dell'America del Sud. Questa droga e conosciuta per i suoi impatti psicologici immediati ed intensi, inducendo un rapido incremento di energia, sensazione di euforia e maggiore concentrazione. Tuttavia, l'abuso della cocaina e associato a una serie di seri pericoli per la salute. Il consumo cronico puo portare a una rapida dipendenza, con conseguenze devastanti sul piano fisico e mentale. La cocaina agisce stimolando il sistema nervoso centrale, aumentando i livelli di sostanze neurotrasmettitori come dopamina e serotonina, responsabili delle sensazioni di piacere e benessere. L'utilizzo inappropriato di cocaina puo causare effetti collaterali come ansia, paranoia, disturbi del sonno, problemi cardiaci e danni al sistema respiratorio.
Il problema della tossicodipendenza da cocaina ha impatto significativo sulle comunita, le famiglie e gli individui coinvolti. Il processo di recupero dalla dipendenza da cocaina richiede un approccio comprensivo, includendo trattamenti medici, supporto psicologico e interventi comportamentali. Superare la dipendenza richiede impegno e determinazione, poiche gli individui devono affrontare le sfide fisiche e psicologiche associate all'abbandono di questa sostanza. La sensibilizzazione sulle gravi conseguenze legate all'uso di cocaina e essenziale per contrastare la diffusione della tossicodipendenza e per promuovere stili di vita sani e privi di sostanze stupefacenti.
Боты делают отказы
(judoegor, 20. 12. 2023 3:21)
Приветствую! Вы, наверняка, замечали подозрительные отказы с ipv6 адресов на своем сайте. Иногда они маскируются под реферер https://api.yandex-baza.website. Эти мошенники занимаются накруткой поведенческих факторов, определяя долгосрочные интересы сайтов через API Яндекс Вебмастера например доставка еды, недвижимость, подарки, туризм и т.д.
Они классифицируют все известные публичные сайты по их долгосрочным интересам.
Как выглядит схема.
Шаг 1: Когда требуется "прокачать" свой сайт, они выбирают базу сайтов соответствующую долгосрочным интересам(Д.И.) прокачиваемого сайта.
Шаг 2: Последовательно вбивают в выдаче ключевые слова относящиеся к этим Д.И.(долгосрочным интересам) и если в базе есть сайт с таким Д.И. то заходят на него из поиска и совершают отказы. Могут и по несколько раз. Каждый раз совершая такие отказные визиты они "прокачивают профиль" то есть грубоговоря нагуливают этим профилям cookies.
Шаг 3: Затем, используя эти cookie, они выполняют поисковый запрос по тем же ключевым словам. Но на этот раз они заходят не на ваш сайт для отказа, а на свой, который прокачивают, повышая поведенческий фактор. Это приводит к тому, что поисковая система Яндекса снижает рейтинг ваших сайтов, в то время как сайты накрутчиков поднимаются в выдаче.
Не смотря на мои жалобы и обращения в Яндекс, проблема так и осталась. Получал от них ответы вроде "мы в курсе", "мы рассмотрим", "этим занимается другой отдел", "мы сделали реплику искуственного интеллекта и теперь он рулит нашими алгоритмами". Очевидно что это полнейший бред.
Как говорится, "если хочешь что-то сделать, сделай это сам". Я разработал решение для блокировки подобных накрутчиков, и для его реализации не требуется установка каких-либо скриптов или других сложных действий. Стоимость данной услуги - 2000 рублей единоразово.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98
An Irresistible Squooshmallows Frenzy: Inside the Cute Plush Plaything Fixation
(WilliamGeami, 28. 12. 2023 12:30)